Monday, March 02, 2015

Last Post

A bit rough
Mark's last Facebook post
Mark passed away quickly and peacefully this afternoon, with Roger and I holding his hands.



Unknown said...

All I can think to say or do is to send you a gentle hug Liz.

Unknown said...

Dear Liz
We are very sad. Our hearts are with you.
Love Rick and Adrianne

materfamilias said...

So sorry, Liz. From the way Paul described his visit yesterday morning, Mark was his wonderful self almost to the end. So glad you have your wonderful family around you -- sending love and strength. xo, frances

Unknown said...

My heartfelt condolences Liz. Mark will be so greatly missed. I trust you will be surrounded by love and support at this very sad time.

Lin N

Linda McDonell said...

Liz, I just heard about Mark and have read some about this sad journey on your blog. I know you have many friends, family and other supporters who are there for you. Please know I am thinking about you and sending a warm and long hug your way.

Unknown said...

Hi Liz, I am so sad to read your news of Mark's illness and passing. It was about 20 years ago that I met Mark at your place and he (and you) cooked the most amazing array of fresh seafood from your 'doorstep'. I've never forgotten your generosity and I never will.